Welcome to the Industry Lifting Lead AP Group

The home for lifting operations planning professionals

Founded and Led by Industry

The Industry Lifting Lead AP Group (ILLAPG) was founded in 2015 by David Borley Lifting Lead for the Skanska Group, to bring together like minded people within the construction sector in order to encourage improved collaboration, harmonization and co-ordination, aiding communication between working groups, associations, governing bodies, contractors, owners and suppliers.

For further information on the purpose and activities of the ILLAPG, please use the links below

For Industry

Those that are active or have an interest in the safe planning and executions of lifting operations in construction and allied industries are welcome to join the ILLAPG. Membership is free providing applicants support the aims and outcomes of the ILLAPG.

Further information on membership can be found on the ‘About  Us‘ page.


The Industry Lifting Lead AP Group (ILLAPG), at their recent meeting in late October, have now released a series of support materials for the Hands off, Step Away, Safe space (HOSASS) initiative, including posters and presentation slides as well as a supporting video. The support materials can be downloaded free of charge in order to support their campaign from the downloads section of this website.



Photo: Members of the ILLAPG at their October 2024 meeting to launch their new HOSASS support materials.